What is Direct Primary Care?

Direct Primary Care is a new practice model which allows doctors and patients to have a relationship which does not involve insurance companies. Your doctor is employed by YOU. In this alternative payment model, patients pay a monthly membership fee and the doctors provide the professional service. They have a direct relationship with their doctor! 

We can spend MUCH MORE TIME with each patient. Included in the monthly fee, patients have easy access to the physician via phone, email, video chat and in-person visits. There are no co-pays or additional fees for procedures! Many in offices tests are included free with membership. Labs and radiology are offered at deep discounts, up to 90% discount from insurance based prices. In addition to providing accessible, quality health care, Direct Primary Care offices often have medication dispensaries on site which sell medications at wholesale prices. Medications are purchased in bulk and dispensed at wholesale prices to our patients. 

DPC takes out the middle man, cuts through the layers of complexity and provides good, old-fashioned customer service just like in the golden years of family medicine. 

What is Included?

  • One hour annual wellness visits
  • Thirty minute office visits for acute illnesses, usually the same day, or within one business day

  • Management of chronic medical issues

  • Minor surgical procedures and some joint injections

  • Freezing of warts and other skin lesions

  • EKGs, spirometry (breathing tests), ABIs (circulation screening tests)

  • Finger stick blood testing and urine tests

  • Laboratory tests sent to outside labs provided at cost plus a $10 draw fee (Often at a 90% savings compared to other laboratories)

  • Many generic medications are available in office or on order at just 10% above wholesale cost

  • E-mail and telephone access directly to your physician
  • SMS Text messaging during business hours

  • Discounts on house calls

  • No co-payments or scheduling fees

  • Every visit with your personal physician, not a physician assistant or nurse practitioner who did not go to medical school

  • Vaccines for children provided at no cost, supplied by the state of Maine

  • Vaccines for adults provided at our wholesale cost

  • When MRIs, CT scans, X-Rays or other tests are needed, we send our patients to facilities that provide better service and offer cash discounts

  • When our patients need to see a specialist, we prefer to send our patients to independent physician practices, were they get better attention, and often, better prices.

What's not Included?

  • Inpatient care of hospitalized patients
  • Nursing home visits

  • Colonoscopies

  • X-rays, Ultrasounds, CT scans or MRIs

  • Specialty consultations

  • Legal proceedings and depositions